├─Two Steps From Hell(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》.专辑.[FLAC]
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│ │ Two Steps From Hell(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.1.专辑.[FLAC].rar
│ │ Two Steps From Hell(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.2.专辑.[FLAC].rar
│ │
│ ├─《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol. 1 – Action(行动)
│ │ ├─Alternative Versions(备选版)
│ │ │ 01. 1000 Ships Alt Ending (No Choir)
│ │ │ 02. 1000 Ships Alt Ending
│ │ │ 03. 1000 Ships Underworld (No Choir)
│ │ │ 04. Armada (No Choir)
│ │ │ 05. Black Assassin (No Choir)
│ │ │ 06. Blade Fighter (No Choir)
│ │ │ 07. Blast The Gates (No Choir)
│ │ │ 08. Bleeding (No Choir)
│ │ │ 09. Breaking (No Choir)
│ │ │ 10. Cavaliere (No Choir)
│ │ │ 11. Chariots Of Blood (No Choir)
│ │ │ 12. Chariots Of Blood (Rock)
│ │ │ 13. Chariots Of Blood (With Beat)
│ │ │ 14. Conquerors (No Choir)
│ │ │ 15. Dragon Rider (Beat Only)
│ │ │ 16. Elementum (No Choir)
│ │ │ 17. Flameheart (No Choir)
│ │ │ 18. House Of Fire (No Choir)
│ │ │ 19. Instruments Of War (No Choir)
│ │ │ 21. Kings Legion (No Choir)
│ │ │ 22. Magika (No Choir)
│ │ │ 23. One Against All (No Choir)
│ │ │ 24. Procession (No Drums)
│ │ │ 25. Red Army (No Choir)
│ │ │ 26. Sentius (No Choir)
│ │ │ 27. Spirit Of Champions (No Choir)
│ │ │ 28. The Truth Unravels II (No Duduk)
│ │ │ 29. The Vendetta Conspiracy (No Choir)
│ │ │ 30. Timebomb (Beat Only)
│ │ │ 31. Timebomb (No Choir)
│ │ │ 32. Tyrianis (No Choir)
│ │ │ 33. Web Of Lies (No Choir)
│ │ │ TSFH(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.1(备选版) .cue
│ │ │ TSFH(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.1(备选版) .m3u
│ │ │
│ │ └─Main Versions(共公版)
│ │ 01. 1000 Ships Underworld
│ │ 02. Armada
│ │ 03. Black Assassin
│ │ 04. Blade Fighter
│ │ 05. Blast The Gates
│ │ 06. Bleeding
│ │ 07. Breaking
│ │ 08. Cavaliere
│ │ 09. Chariots Of Blood
│ │ 10. Conquerors
│ │ 11. Coup D’etat
│ │ 12. Deep Voyage
│ │ 13. Diplomatic Immunity
│ │ 14. Dragon Rider
│ │ 15. Elementum
│ │ 16. Flameheart
│ │ 17. Glory And Honor
│ │ 18. Heaven And Earth
│ │ 19. House Of Fire
│ │ 20. Instruments Of War
│ │ 21. Kingdom Skies
│ │ 22. Kings Legion
│ │ 23. Magika
│ │ 24. One Against All
│ │ 25. Procession
│ │ 26. Racketeers
│ │ 27. Red Army
│ │ 28. Sentius
│ │ 29. Spirit Of Champions
│ │ 30. Sun Goddess
│ │ 31. The Brave And Mighty
│ │ 32. The Truth Unravels II
│ │ 33. The Vendetta Conspiracy
│ │ 34. Timebomb
│ │ 35. Tyrianis
│ │ 36. Web Of Lies
│ │ TSFH(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.1(共公版).cue
│ │ TSFH(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.1(共公版).m3u
│ │
│ └─《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol. 2 – Epic Drama(史诗)
│ ├─Vol.2-Alternative Versions(备选版)
│ │ 01. Dynasty (No Choir)
│ │ 02. Dynasty (Solo Vocal)
│ │ 03. Fight The Darkness (No Choir)
│ │ 04. Breath Of Ran Gor (No Choir)
│ │ 05. Demon Rider (No Choir)
│ │ 06. Thermopolis (No Choir)
│ │ 07. Chopperhead (No Choir)
│ │ 08. False Flag Op (No Choir)
│ │ 09. Pax (No Choir)
│ │ 10. Sentius Remix (No Choir)
│ │ 11. Never Winter (No Choir)
│ │ 12. Ocean (No Choir)
│ │ 13. Hero (No Choir)
│ │ 14. Love And Loss (No Synth)
│ │ TSFH(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.2(备选版).cue
│ │ TSFH(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.2(备选版).m3u
│ │
│ └─Vol.2-Main Versions(共公版)
│ 01. Dynasty
│ 02. Fight The Darkness
│ 03. Breath Of Ran Gor
│ 04. Demon Rider
│ 05. Thermopolis
│ 06. Chopperhead
│ 07. False Flag Op
│ 08. Pax
│ 09. Racketeers (Rock)
│ 10. Sentius Remix
│ 11. The Fly From China
│ 12. Never Winter
│ 13. Ocean
│ 14. Hero
│ 15. Love And Loss
│ 16. Zen Killer
│ 17. Epilogue
│ TSFH(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.2(共公版).cue
│ TSFH(地狱咫尺).-.《Dynasty(王朝)》Vol.2(共公版).m3u