Following the colorful personalities who make a living buying items at auctions is a favorite subject of TV producers. “Baggage Battles”, essentially a replica of A&E Network’s “Storage Wars” minus the storage units, depicts the process of “auction specialists” bidding for, buying and reselling property found in unclaimed luggage. It features three teams of bidders: Laurence and Sally Martin, who have appeared on “Storage Wars” appraising items in their California antiques store; young entrepreneur Mark Meyer, who owns a Long Island, N.Y., thrift store; and Billy Leroy, the proprietor of Billy’s Antiques and Props, a famous eclectic prop and antique store in the Bowery neighborhood of Manhattan.
追踪以在拍卖会上购买物品为生的多姿多彩的人物是电视制作人最喜欢的话题。“Baggage Battles”本质上是 A&E Network 的“Storage Wars”减去存储单元的翻版,描述了“拍卖专家”竞标、购买和转售在无人认领的行李中发现的财产的过程。它由三组竞标者组成:Laurence 和 Sally Martin,他们出现在“Storage Wars”节目中,他们正在评估他们位于加州的古董店中的物品;拥有纽约长岛旧货店的年轻企业家 Mark Meyer;Billy Leroy,Billy’s Antiques and Props 的老板,这是一家位于曼哈顿 Bowery 街区的著名的兼收并蓄的道具和古董店。