2007无损音乐欧美爵士Various Artists《Ten pianists, Ten colors》十人十色.爵士钢琴[FLAC/整轨][334.05 MB]2007年发行

2024-1-16 15:02 0

专辑英文名: Ten pianists, Ten colors
专辑中文名: 十人十色.爵士钢琴
歌手: Various Artists
音乐风格: 爵士
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2007年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语


十人十色.爵士钢琴 Ten Pianists, Ten Colors venus great pianists 10 (CD) 【Venus】



钢琴爵士音乐向来是Venus唱片的强项,也因此这张由日本著名爵士乐评寺岛靖国挑选的钢琴音乐选辑特别让人期待。别出心裁的以古巴著名音乐家雷果纳的「La Comparsa」作为开场,这位在二十世纪初与盖西文、柯尔波特等名家同样活跃於美国乐坛的音乐才子,十七岁的创作听起来居然是如此鲜活,而John Di Martino的三重奏以忠於原曲的舞蹈节奏詮释这首曲子,颇有向名家致敬之意。第二曲则是电影配乐大师曼西尼的「Charade」,Steve Kuhn三重奏中的贝斯Gary Peacock与鼓手Billy Drummond都是乐坛首屈一指的大家,这曲蕴含衝击力的热情演出三人都有精彩表现。
David Hazeltine的「Beautiful Love」也是获得Swing Journal金唱片肯定的精彩演出,类似Bill Evans般充满智慧情感的演奏夺得乐迷好评一点都不意外;当红青年高手Bill Charlap的「Begin The Beguine」以出乎意料的安静柔美詮释这首柯尔波特拉丁风格舞曲,别具风味。义大利钢琴家Stefano Bollani的「Angela」则是寺岛靖国认为整张专辑中最有韵味的演出,因此入选。「Besame Mucho」也许不是每个乐迷都认同的爵士曲目,但是Rob Agerbeek的这个演出尊重原始旋律之外,又加入了许多精彩的即兴演出,展现了爵士乐的兼容并蓄特色。西班牙钢琴家Chano Dominguez在专辑中演奏了许多西班牙传统曲目。这里选录的「El Toro Y La Luna」展现了钢琴热情的一面。

最后三曲都是钢琴家自己的创作曲。曾在爵士名厂ECM活跃的钢琴家Richie Beirach自己创作的「Leaving」果然安静神秘,与专辑中的其他曲目比较起来别具深度,但是优美的旋律却让人想要再三聆赏。Harold Mabern则是以「It Only Hurts When I Smile」怀念过世的父亲,深情中带有淡淡感伤。压轴的当然是Venus当家钢琴好手Eddie Higgins,他在日本多次演出的经验,让他写下这首「新宿黎明」,以穿插日式旋律的乐曲留下对这国家的深刻情感。

01. La Comparsa 游行队伍 – John Di Martino
02. Charade 猜谜 – Steve Kuhn
03. Beautiful Love 美丽的爱情 – David Hazeltine
04. Begin The Beguine 开始跳舞 – Bill Charlap
05. Angela 安琪拉 – Stefano Bollani
06. Besame Mucho 深情的吻我 – Rob Agerbeek
07. El Toro Y La Luna 牛与月 – Chano Dominguez
08. Leaving 离开 – Richie Beirach
09. It Only Hurts When I Smile 我微笑时才伤痛 – Harold Mabern
10. Shinjuku Twilight 新宿黎明 – Eddie Higgis


Venus Gives New Life To Jazz. Venus is Jazz.

Venus制作人原哲夫先生:「Venus爵士乐希望能够带给乐迷们如同坐在Jazz Club第一排中间座位听音乐那样的感动。因此,请大家在自己心爱的音响系统中聆听Venus,重现舞台的原貌。相信一定可以让您们享受到真正的Acoustic Jazz Sound!」 来自日本的Venus厂牌,成立於1992年,录制了为数眾多的经典爵士名盘,其音乐层次丰富、充满渲染力,而能让听眾如临现场的高水準录音品质也是Venus的一大特色,不少专辑都陆续推出了高音质HQCD版及黑胶版,旗下唱片更屡屡荣获日本专业爵士乐杂誌Swing Journal金赏奖。原哲夫在Venus中投入了对爵士乐的热情,迄今,Venus已成为日本爵士乐界最受瞩目的厂牌之一。 

Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Ten pianists, ten colors
Year Of Release:
Label: Venus Records
Genre: Jazz
Genre: Post-Bop, Piano Jazz
Year: 2007
Riptype: tracks
Playtime: 00:55:28

Accompanying the ‘Ten Tenors, Ten Colors: Venus Great Tenor Sax Players 10‘ compilation, this one completes the 10 Greats released by Venus in 2007.
…the likes of Stefano Bollani, Chano Dominguez, Eddie Higgins and Steve Khun makes this a definite keeper.
Unlike most of the other Venus compilations, this one features just 10 tracks. Well, it does spell out ’10′ and ‘Ten’ a total of three times just in the title after-all. In case you haven’t noticed, Venus releases tend to have very pretty looking front covers; or at least that’s what I think. Dynamic Range tends to register in the 6-7 range. That last bit has to do with the ‘loudness’ and the Hyper Magnum Sound mastering. Regardless, if you like piano music then this is one to search for at your favorite record store.
Granted it was first released in 2007, it might be rather elusive by now. If you do manage to find this one though, the likes of Stefano Bollani, Chano Dominguez, Eddie Higgins and Steve Khun makes this a definite keeper.

Artist: John Di Martino (Various)
Album: Ten Pianists, Ten Colors: Venus Great Pianist 10 (2007)
Track: 1.01. La Comparsa
Channel: Stereo
Codec: PCM
Dynamic Range: DR6
Producer: Tetsuo Hara
Mastering Engineer: N.A.
Original Release: 2007
Label: Venus Records
Distribution: Venus Records
ISRC: TKCV-35405
Feature: Venus


01. John Di Martino – La Comparsa
02. Steve Kuhn – Charade
03. David Hazeltine – Beautiful Love
04. Bill Charlap – Begin The Beguine
05. Stefano Bollani – Angela
06. Rob Agerbeek – Besame Mucho
07. Chano Dominguez – El Toro Y La Luna
08. Richie Beirach – Leaving
09. Harold Mabern – It Only Hurts When I Smile
10. Eddie Higgins – Shinjuku Twilight






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