2013无损音乐欧美爵士Kenny Werner Trio -《Jazz Meets World 2013》(面向世界)[FLAC][202.02 MB]

2024-1-16 17:06 0

专辑英文名: Jazz Meets World 2013
专辑中文名: 面向世界
歌手: Kenny Werner Trio
音乐风格: 爵士
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2013年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

2013年 Kenny Werner 在 爵士面对世界 的现场演奏,封面可能有点阳春,但爵士乐贵在现场的即性表现,喜爱爵士的朋友别因此而失之交臂了。
Kenny Werner (born November 19, 1951) is an American jazz pianist and composer.
Kenny Werner – piano
Johannes Weidenmueller – bass
Hans van Oosterhout – drums
今天,“世界音乐”已经成为一个标准的概念和边界的爵士音乐家和其他音乐文化的推移之间不用说的超越。其中一个基础,为爵士乐的发展成为世界的音乐是在六十年代由MPS建立的。同系列的“爵士符合世界”,由约阿希姆 – 恩斯特Berendt开始,爵士音乐家和其他音乐文化的交流中开始了。艾琳施瓦泽三重奏演奏与来自印度的音乐家,乔治Gruntz曾与阿拉伯和托尼·斯科特与来自巴厘岛的音乐家。该MPS系列“爵士符合世界”仍然是来自印度,巴厘岛,古巴,突尼斯,西班牙,巴西和日本的爵士乐和传统音乐的最重要的概念之一。
Today, “World Music” has become a standard concept and the surpassing of borders between jazz musicians and other musical cultures goes without saying. One of the foundations for the development of jazz into world music was established by MPS during the sixties. With the series “Jazz meets the world”, initiated by Joachim-Ernst Berendt, meetings between jazz musicians and other musical cultures were started. The Irene Schweizer Trio played with musicians from India, George Gruntz worked with Arabic and Toni Scott with musicians from Bali. The MPS-series “Jazz meets the world” is still one of the most important concepts between jazz and traditional music from India, Bali, Cuba, Tunisia, Spain, Brazil and Japan. 

1. guru (13:08)
2. dolphin dance (08:00)
3. luv (05:50)
4. if i should lose you (14:08)

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