2007无损音乐欧美爵士Chet Baker -《Chet 》(查特 贝克)[24bits remastered][FLAC][372.78 MB]

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专辑英文名: Chet 
专辑中文名: 查特 贝克
歌手: Chet Baker
音乐风格: 爵士
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [24bits remastered]
发行时间: 2007年06月05日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

Chet Baker / Chet
多数以歌手身分出专辑的白人希望小号手Chet Baker为了摆脱他在西岸爵士(West Coast Jazz)当中给人既定的形象,在硬式咆勃(Hard Bop)重镇New York所录制的一个作品,对Chet Baker印象我们所知道的免不了是他那俊俏的脸庞以及迷死人不偿命的歌喉,但是别忘了,他仍然是一个技巧颇佳的小号手,本张专辑是Chet Baker完全纯演奏而没出现他的歌声少数作品,专辑阵容也浩大,除Chat Baker外,另有爵士长笛大师Herbie Mann 吉他大师Kenny Burrell,以及钢琴名家Bill Evans,专辑中有许多爵士乐标準曲(Standard)如How High the Moon;It Never Entered My Mind等等,Chet Baker在依旧演奏那擅长的忧鬱小喇叭音色,加上其他诸位大师的伴奏之下,更加突显出Chet Baker的小号实力,在听惯了Chet Baker的歌声,或想尝试听听小号大师Miles Davis以外的音色,这张专辑是您聆听爵士乐的入门选择!
【爵士名人堂】迷情感性的小号手 Chet Baker / 查特贝克(一)
全名:Chesney Henry Baker/查特贝克
1929.12.23 ~ 1988.05.13
Chet Baker本名叫作Chesney Henry Baker,1929 年生於美国奥客拉荷马,在爵士乐的历史当中很少有人像他一样,既是最具有浪漫气息却同时双具有彻底悲剧性格的音乐人物。
从五、六○年代的巴西Bossa Nova风潮开始到日后风靡一时的西岸酷派乐风,Chet Baker和Stan Getz以及Miles Davis一直是独领风骚的三大代表性人物;在Baker的音乐之中巧妙地揉合了西岸酷派的自由随性和巴西Bossa Nova的悠閒浪漫,独特的音色运用以及优秀的演奏技巧一直为人所称颂。
贝克的歌手身份,远较他的小喇叭手知名,但他的唱法却是取材於他的小喇叭演奏方式,可能是因为他吹不过酷派大哥大 Miles Davis 吧 ,但是他的酷派唱腔确是无人出其右。
他的音乐传达了他对生命的冷淡,他那种带有尊傲又含蓄的气度瞬间成为 Cool Jazz 的招牌。美国白人以像当年崇拜 Bix Beiderbecke 一样的称呼他为 ” GREAT WHITE HOPE “(白人希望)
Chet Baker是一位出色的冷爵士小号演奏家,同时也是一位优秀的爵士歌手, 贝克的吹奏风格一如他的演唱技巧,温柔的曲调中有嘆息有耳语。他吹奏时有如演唱,演唱时有如吹奏,彷彿世间最好的情歌不过如此。
他用极具魅力的表达方式掩饰了他天生嗓音条件的不足. 贝克英俊的外形酷似一名电影明星,然而他却在50年代中期染上了吸毒,从此毒癮一直伴随著他的后半生。
Chet Baker, Trumpet, Vocals, 1929/12/23–1988/5/13
一位年仅二十二的白人新秀,站在查理帕克(Charlie Parker)於洛杉磯演出的台上吹响他的小号,他拥有独特的音色,以及俊秀的外貌。在强敌环伺的五零年代,这位偶像形小号手,从西岸发出一场大地震,震央在好莱坞,震区包括全美国。………….
Chet Baker的悲剧人生
Chet Baker(图﹕网上图片)Chet Baker(图﹕网上图片)
【明报专讯】事有凑巧,早前分别有两套讲述爵士乐小号手的传记式电影在美加首映,包括由Ethan Hawke饰演Chet Baker的Born To Be Blue以及由Don Cheadle自导自演、讲述Miles Davis的Miles Away。还未知两片会否在港上映。
除了Louis Armstrong,Chet Baker与Miles Davis也许是最为人熟悉的爵士乐小号手吧。论音乐成就,Davis在多数乐迷心中也许高一点,但若以电影「牌面」的吸引力,我还是会投Baker一票,只因他的一生本来就是一齣充满传奇的悲剧。
Chet Baker生於音乐之家,父亲是结他手,母亲弹钢琴,小Baker在合唱团成长,其后学管乐,成年后参军,在军乐团中做小号手。爵士乐主宰美国乐坛的五十年代,Baker加入色士风手Gerry Mulligan的四重奏乐团,一炮而红。
Baker曾被誉为五十年代美国「最美丽面孔」之一,更拍过电影。年轻俊朗的Baker拿小号,酷酷的站在台上,还没吹奏已魅力满溢,但是由他的小号奏出动人乐章一刻开始,焦点便不再是他的面孔,而是超然物外的另一种美好。特别强调Baker的外表,也许间接贬低了他的音乐才华,但确确实实,英俊令他的音乐到达更阔更广的听眾层面,男女老幼通杀。有杂誌曾办爵士小号手的选举,Baker击败过巨人Miles Davis和短命天才Clifford Brown。
Baker与Davis都是同年代的人,在美国东西两岸各自激发光芒,Baker的演奏单纯而优美,如可口顺喉的冰镇香檳,少了Davis等人那些前卫革新的辛辣。不过正正是因为易入口,才能令Baker所代表的西岸Cool Jazz红遍全国。就如Baker的俊朗,平易近人的乐曲很多时反会令焦点模糊。平易近人与艺术层次理应并无衝突,世间很多本质上美好的东西,本来就没有承载任何高深的意涵与深度。「裏面也许没有什么深度。没有深度反而触动摇撼我们的心,那很像我们在什么地方经验过的什么,非常像。」村上春树如是说。
Chet Baker的死当年没引起太大轰动,世人似乎已把活的Chet Baker忘掉,只记得年轻俊朗的那个他。向伟大的Chet Baker致敬,也许我们听毕他年轻时与钢琴手Russ Freeman愉快地演奏之后,也该听一听他人生走到最后的一些录音吧。

Chet Baker’s 1959 release CHET is a romantic yet melancholy collection of mostly ballads. Baker does not sing on this album, but his highly emotive and lyrical trumpet playing alone makes it more than compelling. Most importantly, this album marks one of the few recording sessions Baker did with the legendary pianist Bill Evans. Evans and Baker’s approaches to jazz were unique and individualistic, yet these two jazz giants both infused a high degree of pathos into their musical vocabulary. As can be heard here, they also shared a great love for playing soft, delicate ballads.
On CHET, we hear Baker and Evans playing with great sympatico on “Alone Together” and “If You Could See Me Now.” On both songs, Evans plays a subtle yet penetrating piano introduction, and Baker enters with his distinctly rich and breathy tone. Truly a great musical pair, Baker and Evans lead an all-star band through an album’s worth of relaxed, reflective jazz. A merging of the West Coast and East Coast cool jazz styles, CHET is a record that emphasizes instrumental restraint and deep, musical tenderness.
Personnel: Chet Baker (trumpet); Pepper Adams (baritone saxophone); Herbie Mann (flute); Bill Evans (piano); Kenny Burrell (guitar); Paul Chambers (bass); Connie Kay, Philly Joe Jones (drums).
Liner Note Author: Orrin Keepnews.
Personnel: Chet Baker (trumpet); Chet Baker ; Paul Chambers (bass instrument); Connie Kay, Philly Joe Jones (drums, drum); Kenny Burrell (guitar); Herbie Mann (flute); Pepper Adams (baritone saxophone); Bill Evans (piano).
Audio Remasterer: Joe Tarantino.
Recorded at Reeves Sound Studios, New York, New York on December 30, 1958 and January 19, 1959. Originally released on Riverside (1135). Includes liner notes by Orrin Keepnews.
Recording information: Reeves Sound Studios, New York, NY (12/30/1958/01/19/1959).
Photographers: Steve Schapiro; Chuck Stewart.
Audio CD (June 5, 2007)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: Original recording remastered
Label: Riverside
Release Date March, 1959
Duration 51:11
Genre Jazz
Styles Cool Vocal Jazz West Coast Jazz American Popular Song
Recording Date December 30, 1958 & January 19, 1959
Review by Dave Nathan
Chet Baker’s penultimate session for Riverside — which was strictly instrumental — produced an all-star lineup to support him, including jazz heavyweights Pepper Adams, Bill Evans, and Kenny Burrell. Each of them makes important contributions to the session. Adams’ baritone sax solo on “Alone Together” is one of the album’s high points, while Herbie Mann and Bill Evans make their presence known on several cuts. Baker possessed one of the most melodious trumpets in jazz, compelling in its simplicity. Rarely extending his range above a single octave, he nonetheless had few peers when it came to slow, romantic ballads, which make up the playlist here. His characteristically soft approach is heard to good effect on “It Never Entered My Mind,” where he works with the guitar of Kenny Burrell. Burrell and Baker also collaborate on a moving rendition of “September Song.” Chet is a good place to hear Baker’s special way with the horn, and is made even more attractive with the presence and contributions of top jazz artists.


01. Alone Together 6:53
02. How High the Moon Chet Baker HOW HIGH THE MOON Lyrics 3:37
03. It Never Entered My Mind 4:41
04. ‘Tis Autumn 5:18
05. If You Could See Me Now Chet Baker IF YOU COULD SEE ME NOW Lyrics 5:17
06. September Song 3:05
07. You’d Be So Nice to Come Home To Chet Baker YOUD BE SO NICE TO COME HOME TO Lyrics 4:33
08. Time On My Hands (You In My Arms) Chet Baker TIME ON MY HANDS Lyrics 4:33
09. You And The Night And The Music 4:07
10. Early Morning Mood – (bonus track) 9:04

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