2009无损音乐欧美爵士迈尔斯·戴维斯-哥伦比亚专辑全集 Miles Davis – The Complete Columbia Album Collection [FLAC] 25

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迈尔斯·戴维斯-哥伦比亚专辑全集 Miles Davis – The Complete Columbia Album Collection (70 CD Box Set)[FLAC]  25.14GB

迈尔斯·戴维斯(Miles Davis)1944年,他进入著名的纽约茱莉亚学院学习。并在那里得到了爵士音乐家科尔曼·霍金斯的帮助,从此进入了神奇的爵士音乐世界。

由于家境富裕,因而得以负担Davis到纽约茱莉亚学院念书所需,但不久之后,他便离开学校到52街的酒吧表演,并因加入Charlie Parker的乐团而受到注意。事实上,年仅19岁的Davis,在当时尚无法与Parker相提并论,不过他的进步是有目共睹的。在四O年代末期所录制的作品中,可以感受到Davis把温柔深沉的思绪带进跃动的Bop(咆勃)乐风中。

1945年的Miles Davis正值十九岁的青春年华阶段,他与一般人一样在学校读书(茱莉亚学院-Juilliard School),但他与一般人不同之处,就在于此时的他已经与咆勃爵士乐(Bebop)大师Charlie Parker同台,录下这张专辑的第一首歌「Now””””s The Time」,这首曲子的珍贵程度可见一般,除了一方面是Miles Davis的初放爵士光芒之作,另一方面则是这时正是音乐禁令的限制刚过,所有的爵士乐手就像出了笼子的老虎,极尽所能的发挥。而专辑的最后一首歌「Portia」是Miles Davis在60岁时所灌录的(1986),这时的他虽然已经到了一个音乐演奏家的残年阶段,但似乎不甘愿就此放弃他的音乐生涯,仍致力于Harmon – Muted(用于小号上面的弱音器)的音色发展,将传统的乐器加上了电子合成乐器。

1955年的Newport爵士音乐节,Davis与John Coltrane、Red Garland、Paul Chambers及Philly Joe等人合组五重奏乐团同台演出,令人为之惊艳。Miles Davis的闷音演奏相当出色,音色中具有些许神秘的特质,成为乐团表现之鹰架。1959年,中音萨克斯风手Cannonball Adderley的加入,使整个乐团达到最佳状况。“Kind Of Blue”专辑便将爵士乐从和弦的架构中解放出来,拱出音阶为独奏基础的结晶创作,被乐评评为爵士史上的不朽之作。

离开Parker之后的Davis于1947年认识了编曲家Gil Evans,并与Evans乐团的乐手组成乐团。他们于1957-1959年间所合作的管弦乐编制作品已被视为经典:包括“Miles Ahead”、改编盖希文(George Gershwin)的“Porgy And Bess”、以及改编自西班牙作曲家罗德利哥的「阿兰费斯」吉他协奏曲慢版乐章的优美“Sketches Of Spain”。而“Milestones”是首度以十九人弦乐编制为基底所编写的作品,Evans恰到好处地融合富丽的弦乐与Davis的小号乐器,使其更加多采丰富。

1964年,The Beatles风潮袭卷全球之时,Davis发现到传统摇滚乐配上爵士乐的市场潜力,而创造出Jazz-Rock,后来被称为Fusion(融合爵士),也因此吸引了许多摇滚乐迷加入爵士乐市场。

六、七十年代,迈尔戴维斯几乎就是爵士乐坛的标竿人物,他的音乐只要一问世,就成为乐手崇拜追随的对象,形成一种爵士风潮。 “我喜欢新鲜的东西,始终抱着每天学习的心情。对于那些走不出自己框框的乐手,我深深感到悲哀。”这就是迈尔戴维斯,一位永远追求新音乐,走在时代前端的爵士巨星。他的音乐尽管多变,他的性格始终神秘,但是对爵士乐执着的心,以及不断颠覆自我的理念,却是数年来坚持如一,这样一位爵士乐大师,相信再过七十年之后,受到乐迷怀念的程度一样会如同今日深厚,不会有丝毫减损。

1975年,在一连串汽车意外、嗑药等问题缠身的情况下宣布退休,甚而有人觉得Davis不能够再表演了。六年后,出乎众人意料之外的,Miles Davis又回来了,并且健健康康地推出“The Man With The Horn”这张专辑。之后发行“You’re Under Arrest”这张以放客(Funk)为基调的专辑,甚且演奏Cyndi Lauper的「Time After Time」、Michael Jackson的「Human Nature」等流行曲目。

1991年9月28日Miles Davis去世于加州医院。这位固执的天才酷公子哥儿身后所得到的评语不是阿腴奉承,也不是愠怒词句,只是流传百世的一些优良事迹。他所留下来的音乐组织紧密、充满理性,象征不断追寻艺术的精神。

他的一生都在创新,参与缔造了Cool, Hard Bop, Modal, Fusion等曲风。Miles Davis曾说过音乐对他来说是一种折磨,因为当他清醒时脑袋中除了音乐其他什么也没有。音乐是他的生命。Miles Davis以他演奏的慢、幽怨、歌谣味重而闻名。他本可以演奏得更快点,但他宁愿以中速演奏。 他曾说他演奏的方法就是他聆听音乐的方法。 他演奏时常模仿火车,老人的说话声,数年后,他还模仿电吉他的哇哇声。他是一个沉默寡言的人,他在演奏时很少说话,从不告诉听众他在演奏什么。因为他认为音乐就是他的语言,小号和曲谱应该替他说出所有的话。

Track Listings



1. Rifftide – Tadd Dameron Quintet

2. Good Bait – Tadd Dameron Quintet

3. Don’t Blame Me – Tadd DameronQuintet

4. Lady Bird – Tadd Dameron Quintet

5. ‘Wah’ ‘Hoo’ – Tadd Dameron Quintet

6. Allen’s Alley – Tadd Dameron Quintet

7. Embraceable You – Tadd DameronQuintet

8. Ornithology – Tadd Dameron Quintet

9. All The Things You Are – TaddDameron Quintet

10. Lover Man

11. The Squirrel



1. ‘Round Midnight

2. Ah-Leu-Cha

3. All of You

4. Bye Bye Blackbird

5. Tadd’s Delight

6. Dear Old Stockholm

7. Two Bass Hit

8. Little Melonae

9. Budo

10. Sweet Sue, Just You


1. Two Bass Hit

2. Love for Sale

3. Blues No. 2

4. Circle In The Round



1. Teo’s Bag

2. Side Car I

3. Side Car II

4. Splash

5. Sanctuary

6. Guinnevere



1. Springsville

2. The Maids of Cadiz – Miles Davis& Gil Evans

3. The Duke

4. My Ship

5. Miles Ahead

6. Blues for Pablo

7. New Rhumba

8. The Meaning Of The Blues

9. Lament

10. I Don’t Wanna Be Kissed ( By AnyoneBut You)

11. Springsville

12. Blues For Pablo

13. Medley: The Meaning of theBlues/Lament

14. I Don’t Wanna Be Kissed (By AnyoneBut You)



1. Dr. Jackle

2. Sid’s Ahead

3. Two Bass Hit

4. Milestones

5. Billy Boy

6. Straight, No Chaser

7. Two Bass Hit

8. Milestones

9. Straight, No Chaser



1. On Green Dolphin Street

2. Fran-Dance

3. Stella By Starlight

4. Love For Sale

5. Fran-Dance



1. Introduction By Willis Connover

2. Ah-Leu-Cha

3. Straight, No Chaser

4. Fran-Dance

5. Two Bass Hit

6. Bye Bye Blackbird

7. The Theme



1. Buzzard Song

2. Bess, You Is My Woman Now

3. Gone

4. Gone, Gone, Gone

5. Summertime

6. Oh Bess, Oh Where’s my Bess

7. Prayer (Oh Doctor Jesus)

8. Fishermen, Strawberry and Devil Crab

9. My Man’s Gone Now

10. It Ain’t Necessarily So

11. Here Come De Honey Man

12. I Wants to Stay Here (aka I LovesYou Porgy)

13. There’s a Boat That’s Leaving Soonfor New York

14. I Loves You, Porgy (From”Porgy & Bess”)

15. Gone



1. If I Were A Bell

2. Oleo

3. My Funny Valentine

4. Straight, No Chaser



1. So What

2. Freddie Freeloader

3. Blue in Green

4. All Blues

5. Flamenco Sketches

6. Flamenco Sketches



1. Concierto de Aranjuez: Adagio

2. Will O’ the Wisp

3. The Pan Piper

4. Saeta

5. Solea

6. Song of Our Country

7. Concierto De Aranjuez, Pt. 1(Adagio)

8. Concierto De Aranjuez, Pt. 2(Adagio)



1. Song of Our Country

2. ‘Round Midnight

3. So Near, So Far

4. Limbo

5. Water on the Pond

6. Fun

7. Directions I

8. Directions II



1. Ascent

2. Duran

3. Konda

4. Willie Nelson



1. Someday My Prince Will Come

2. Old Folks

3. Pfrancing

4. Drad Dog

5. Teo

6. I Thought About You

7. Blues No. 2

8. Someday My Prince Will Come



1. Oleo

2. No Blues

3. Bye Bye (Theme)

4. If I Were A Bell

5. Fran Dance

6. On Green Dolphin Street

7. The Theme



1. All Of You

2. Neo

3. I Thought About You

4. Bye Bye Blackbird

5. Walkin’

6. Love, I’ve Found You



1. If I Were A Bell

2. So What

3. No Blues

4. On Green Dolphin Street

5. Walkin’

6. ‘Round Midnight

7. Well You Needn’t

8. The Theme



1. Autumn Leaves

2. Neo

3. Two Bass Hit

4. Bye Bye (Theme)

5. Love, I’ve Found You

6. I Thought About You

7. Someday My Prince Will Come

8. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise



1. So What

2. Spring Is Here

3. Teo

4. Walkin’

5. Medley: The Meaning Of TheBlues/Lament – Winton Kelly

6. New Rhumba – Winton Kelly



1. Someday My Prince Will Come – WintonKelly

2. Oleo

3. No Blues – Winton Kelly

4. I Thought About You

5. En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (adagio fromConcierto de Aranjuez)



1. Song No. 2

2. Once Upon a Summertime

3. Aos Pes Da Cruz

4. Song No. 1

5. Wait Till You See Her

6. Corcovado

7. Summer Night

8. The Time Of The Barracudas

9. Blue Xmas (To Whom It May Concern) -Miles Davis & Gil Evans

10. Devil May Care



1. Basin Street Blues

2. Seven Steps to Heaven

3. I Fall In Love Too Easily

4. So Near, So Far

5. Baby Won’t You Please Come Home

6. Joshua

7. So Near, So Far

8. Summer Night



1. Introduction by Andre Francis

2. Autumn Leaves

3. Milestones

4. I Thought About You

5. Joshua

6. All Of You

7. Walkin’



1. My Funny Valentine

2. All of You

3. Stella by Starlight

4. All Blues

5. I Thought About You



1. So What

2. Walkin’

3. Joshua

4. Go-Go (Theme and Announcement)

5. Four

6. Seven Steps To Heaven

7. There Is No Greater Love

8. Go-Go (Theme and Announcement)



1. Introduction/If I Were A Bell

2. My Funny Valentine

3. So What

4. Walkin’

5. All of You



1. Milestones

2. Autumn Leaves

3. So What

4. Stella by Starlight

5. Walkin’

6. Go-Go (Theme and Announcement)



1. E.S.P.

2. Eighty-One

3. Little One

4. R.J.

5. Agitation

6. Iris

7. Mood



1. Walkin’

2. Agitation

3. On Green Dolphin Street

4. So What

5. The Theme



1. ‘Round Midnight

2. Stella by Starlight

3. All Blues

4. Yesterdays

5. The Theme



1. Orbits

2. Circle

3. Footprints

4. Dolores

5. Freedom Jazz Dance (Evolution of theGroove)

6. Gingerbread Boy



1. Prince of Darkness

2. Pee Wee

3. Masqualero

4. The Sorcerer

5. Limbo

6. Vonetta

7. Nothing Like You

8. Masqualero

9. Limbo



1. Nefertiti

2. Fall

3. Hand Jive

4. Madness

5. Riot

6. Pinocchio

7. Hand Jive

8. Hand Jive

9. Madness

10. Pinocchio



1. Water Babies

2. Capricorn

3. Sweet Pea

4. Two Faced

5. Dual Mr. Tillman Anthony

6. Splash



1. Stuff

2. Paraphernalia

3. Black Comedy

4. Country Son

5. Black Comedy

6. Country Son



1. Frelon Brun

2. Tout de suite

3. Petits machins (Little Stuff)

4. Filles de Kilimanjaro

5. Mademoiselle Mabry

6. Tout de suite



1. Shhh / Peaceful

2. In a Silent Way



1. Pharaoh’s Dance

2. Bitches Brew



1. Spanish Key

2. John McLaughlin

3. Miles Runs the Voodoo Down

4. Sanctuary

5. Feio



1. Great Expectations

2. Ife

3. Recollections

4. Trevere



1. Go Ahead John

2. Lonely Fire

3. The Little Blue Frog

4. Yaphet



1. Right Off

2. Yesternow



1. Directions

2. Spanish Key

3. Masqualero

4. It’s About That Time/The Theme



1. Directions

2. Miles Runs the Voodoo Down

3. Bitches Brew

4. Spanish Key

5. It’s About That Time/Willie Nelson



1. Directions

2. Miles Runs The Voodoo Down

3. Willie Nelson

4. I Fall In Love Too Easily

5. Sanctuary

6. It’s About That Time



1. Bitches Brew

2. Masqualero

3. Spanish Key/The Theme



1. Directions

2. Bitches Brew

3. The Mask

4. It’s About That Time

5. Bitches Brew/The Theme

6. Directions

7. The Mask

8. It’s About That Time



1. It’s About That Time

2. I Fall In Love Too Easily

3. Sanctuary

4. Bitches Brew/The Theme

5. It’s About That Time

6. I Fall In Love Too Easily

7. Sanctuary

8. Bitches Brew

9. Willie Nelson / The Theme



1. Directions

2. Bitches Brew

3. Sanctuary

4. Spanish Key

5. The Theme



1. Sivad

2. Little Church

3. Medley: Gemini / Double Image

4. What I Say

5. Nem um Talvez



1. Selim

2. Funky Tonk

3. Inamorata and Narration By ConradRoberts



1. On the Corner

2. New York Girl

3. Thinkin’ One Thing and Doin’ Another

4. Vote for Miles

5. Black Satin

6. One and One

7. Helen Butte

8. Mr. Freedom X



1. Rated X

2. Honky Tonk

3. Theme From Jack Johnson

4. Black Satin/The Theme



1. Ife

2. Right Off/The Theme



1. Moja (Part 1)

2. Moja (Part 2)

3. Wili (Part 1)

4. Wili (Part 2)



1. Tatu (Part 1)

2. Tatu (Part 2)

3. Nne (Part 1)

4. Nne (Part 2)



1. He Loved Him Madly

2. Maiysha

3. Honky Tonk

4. Rated X



1. Calypso Frelimo

2. Red China Blues

3. Mtume

4. Billy Preston



1. Prelude (Part I & Part II)

2. Maiysha



1. Interlude – Theme From Jack Johnson



1. Zimbabwe



1. Gondwana



1. Fat Time

2. Back Seat Betty

3. Shout

4. Aida

5. The Man With the Horn

6. Ursula



1. Jean Pierre

2. Back Seat Betty

3. Fast Track

4. Jean Pierre

5. Ursula

6. Aida



1. My Man’s Gone Now

2. Kix

3. Fat Time



1. Come Get It

2. It Gets Better

3. Speak

4. Star People

5. U ‘n’ I

6. Star On Cicely



1. Decoy

2. Robot 415

3. Code M.D.

4. Freaky Deaky

5. What It Is

6. That’s Right

7. That’s What Happened



1. One Phone Call/Street Scenes

2. Human Nature

3. MD1/Something’s On Your Mind/MD2

4. Ms. Morrisine

5. Katia Prelude

6. Katia

7. Time After Time

8. You’re Under Arrest

9. Jean Pierre/You’re Under/ Then ThereWere None



1. Intro

2. White

3. Yellow

4. Orange

5. Red

6. Green

7. Blue

8. Electric Red

9. Indigo

10. Violet



1. Germany Start

2. Agitation

3. Footprints

4. I Fall In Love Too Easily

5. Walkin’

6. Gingerbread Boy

7. The Theme

8. Sweden Start

9. Agitation

10. Footprints

11. ‘Round Midnight

12. Gingerbread Boy

13. The Theme/Credits






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